Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing 9. Online Collaboration Tools

Blog Prompts

send an email to and we wil invite you.

  • Which of these tools is easier for you to use?

I've been working on this Thing, intermittently, for weeks. I finally noticed the note about getting invited. duh

  • How do the features of each compare? Does one have features that would make you choose it over the other?
  • What would the Founding Fathers think?
They would have been appalled. While the Declaration of Independence is one of the best things ever written - truly well thought out and all-encompassing - remember that the Founding Fathers didn't believe women at best were second class citizens or at worst women had no souls.

Challenge (optional)

1. Sign up for an account in Zoho and/or Google.

2. Create and share another type of document using other Zoho tools—Sheet (spreadsheet), Show (presentation tool), Notebook, or Wiki.

3. Publish the document (Public) and post the link on your blog for others to view and/or edit.

4. Blog about the tools' ease of use, potential in the library, and other thoughts.

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