Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Thing 21. Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

We wanted to show you some social networks beyond MySpace and Facebook that might interest you, so did you find any you liked in Thing 21? If the ones we listed weren't that appealing, try using Go2Web2.0, which is dubbed "The Complete Web 2.0 Directory," to find some.

Besides finding some that you find appealing, some of these social networks might be useful for you at work. A lot of us get genealogy questions on an almost-daily basis, so maybe some of the genealogy social networks would help your patrons? Show a patron how to use Geni, GeneTree, or It's Our Tree to keep track of their genealogy information and find family connections. Or maybe LibraryThing or What Should I Read Next? could help with reader's advisory? TravBuddy could help with those travel-guide-type questions.

There is a social network for everyone, so find one you might like for yourself, but also think about your patrons. There might be great sites out there that you could introduce them to, and now that you're all the way to Thing 21, you'll be a pro at showing them how to use these sites!

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