Friday, April 18, 2008

Finding more stuff about Wikis on Facebook & delicious led to: is a toolbox of patterns & anti-patterns, and a guide to the stages of wiki adoption.
- Added its feed to Bloglines.

What is a pattern?

A pattern is a model considered worthy of imitation (i.e., if it worked for others, it can work for you). Newcomers can benefit from their predecessors' experiences so they don't have to make the same mistakes fumbling around for the same solutions to the same problems. Just as importantly, patterns give adepts a shared language in which to speak about these common concepts.

For example, anyone who has used a wiki for some time knows that it's good to have people around who will fix up typos and broken links, and make sure pages are in their correct categories. A pattern makes it easier to talk about these people because it gives them a name (WikiGardener), and also explains that the best way to encourage WikiGardeners is to have a wiki where everyone is comfortable editing pages, and there is no rigid ownership of content.

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